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Ho’oponopono, the Law of Attraction & Right-minded Spirituality
This article is a very interesting side-by-side comparison of two seemingly at odds, but very much in resonance spiritual teachings the Hawaiian/Polynesian spiritual practice called Ho’oponopono...
“Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every...
TRUE FORGIVENESS – A Thought process Example “You’re not really there. If I think you are guilty or the cause of the problem, and if I made you up, then the imagined guilt and fear must be...
So what exactly does such a simplistic statement as, “One problem, one solution” mean? Can it really be that simple!? Is there really only one problem that is the root cause of all of your...
The other day I was out on my usual morning run when I realized that I could hear the impact of my running shoes hitting the pavement pretty loudly with every stride. This type of loud foot impact...
The longer I live, and as I continue my journey of spiritual enlightenment and awakening, the more I realize that I just never know when, where or how inspiration will come from. I’ve been...